...and yet there was an honest woman (so always formerly reputed) executed at Cambridge in the year 1645 for keeping a tame Frog in a Box for sport and Phantasie, which Phantasie of keeping things tame of several species is both lawful and common among very innocent harmless people, as Mice, Dormice, Grasshoppers, Caterpillars, Snakes; yea a Gentleman, to please his Phantasie in trying conclusions, did once keep in a Box a Maggot that came out of a Nut, till it grew to an incredible bigness...
--From A Candle in the Dark--
I think he's trying to say that dogs and cats and hamsters and guinea pigs and rats and mice were considered food
Well at least she didn't make sport with a gerbil.
That is a more modern fad.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Unless you are a gerbil of course.
Gerbil is a funny name.
You know it is one of those names celebrities might name their kids like Apple or Brooklyn.
Gerbil Paltrow.
He has a very clean colon.
Hey it's not mean to talk about gerbils in a gay dudes blog is it.
I didn't mean to imply anything or whatever. Just kidding around.
I don't know the rules about that kind of stuff. I joke about everything. The evil blogger lady never mentioned gerbils when she was laying out the rules.
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