Monday, February 1, 2010

I was just following orders: 1661

The substance of his defence was, that during the late wars he was but one among a great many more: he had always acted by authority of parliament, and according to the instructions that were given him, as oft as he was sent on any expedition or negotiation.
--From History of his own Times--

Perhaps you are a cog in the wheel of a military organization, but before a court of law you will be treated like a human being, and held accountable.


chickelit said...

Perhaps you are a cog in the wheel of a military organization, but before a court of law you will be treated like a human being, and held accountable.

Holds for hubs and spokes too-see the fate of Saddam "cheetos fingers" Hussein.

Say, you don't happen to know of a good non-fictional account of Nuremberg trials do you?

Jason (the commenter) said...

Say, you don't happen to know of a good non-fictional account of Nuremberg trials do you?

I would try: The Nuremberg Interviews.