Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Forklifts: 1681

Sometimes they were used as pictured above and sometimes they were used thus:
The Keepers of the Kings Elephants sometimes make a sport with them after this manner. They will command an Elephant to take up water, which he does, and stands with it in his Trunk, till they command him to squirt it out at some body, which he immediately will do, it may be a whole paleful together, and with such a force, that a man can hardly stand against it.
--From An historical relation of the island Ceylon--

Things can be both horrifying and humorous, but if you treat everything as a joke, shielding your mind from the existence of horrors, you may find yourself facing some terrifying possibilities.


Jennifer said...

Even on a small scale, I've found your observation beautifully accurate.

Pete said...

I'm gonna go out on limb (heh) here and say the guy on the ground isn't having one of his better days. Though the guy on the elephant seems to be really enjoying himself. A lesson to be learned here: be the guy on the elephant and not under the elephant.

Trooper York said...

Wait, where did you get photos of the first Republican party convention dude?