Sunday, August 15, 2010

In China, free internet access ain't so free




When I saw the "Free Internet" terminals in the Shangai International Airport there were a few sites I wanted to check out. Drudge Report, Instapundit, even flickr could all be accessed. But Twitter and anything on blogger, like Althouse, just showed error notices when you tried to access them. You could search for Althouse and find links to Althouse, but there was nothing there.

What's on Althouse, blogger sites, and Twitter that the Chinese government doesn't trust its citizens to see?

1 comment:

chickelit said...

What's on Althouse, blogger sites, and Twitter that the Chinese government doesn't trust its citizens to see?

Dunno but it sure would make a great discussion over there. I hope she finds this post and links to it.

The Chinese government is mortified by free speech. You're more of an expert in Chinese history than I am. When was the last time speech was free in China?