Sunday, April 25, 2010

Nature's mistake

A: "People think Nature is somehow perfect, but she makes mistakes all the time; she's just really good at getting rid of them."

B: "Perhaps the human race, and every other living thing, are mistakes of Nature; ones she's having a hard time getting rid of."


chickelit said...

I don't get it.
Is that an albino plant or is it like a white poinsetta?

It looks healthy enough to me.

Jason (the commenter) said...

They're two oak seedlings. I assume the white one has a mutation that keeps it from producing chlorophyll. It looks healthy because it has the food in its acorn to live off of and all the other parts of its physiology are functioning. However, when the food supply is gone, so is it. (Unless a botanist comes along a grafts it onto a normal oak tree).

chickelit said...

You should follow its demise...

chickelit said...

Natura non facit saltus (unless of course it's a quantum of saltus like a mutation).

Jason (the commenter) said...

You should follow its demise...


chickelit said...
